Testimonials by program:

I chose ISM's DBA program because of the blended system that included courses in person and online. The program was very international with a high level of diversity and global networking possibilities.

The courses provided knowledge that was immediately applicable in the real professional world. I found that the professors were highly knowledgeable and the school's support system, including faculty and administrative staff, was very helpful.

The personal and professional value added by this program is immeasurable and includes more strategic thinking, improved leadership skills, an increase in professional and academic competency skills, and so much more. I have no regrets, and pursuing this program seems like one of the best decisions I ever made. 

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Amaresh Ramlugan | DBA Candidate from Mauritius

I am an entrepreneur, executive coach, and trainer, and a seasoned professional with over two decades of international experience in…

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Deseye Umurhohwo | DBA Alumnus from Nigeria

In 2015, I decided to advance my academic career and began my search for a school that fit my needs. I was interested in studying at…

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