Testimonials by program:

I got in touch with business from a very young age. I have been working in the family business since I was young, and I am proud that my father involved me early in his activities. Although I have been working for the company for many years, it has also been very important to me to gain experience outside of the family business, so I started working at Adidas in Herzogenaurach, Germany, along with other medium-sized companies and on several IT-based projects. 

My work experience, combined with my studies at university, formed my personality deeply. I feel comfortable in a practical environment and like to be hands on. I am someone who tries to push things forward and likes to inspire others. If I am doing something, I try to do it right and fully engage. Therefore, ISM's multicultural student body, mix of international business theory with practical experience, and its environment of motivated individuals were highly attractive to me.

International business has become more important than ever as companies around the world interact with each other more, and trade has moved from a local or regional perspective to a global one. I strongly believe that gaining a deep understanding of international business is increasingly important for future graduates, and it is necessary to develop a global mindset to be successful in business. With its five partners located across the globe, ISM can offer incredible diversity and a very special set of experiences.

Whether in New York, Shanghai, or Paris, ISM courses are always perfectly organized and allow interaction with students and professors from the very beginning. It is an incredibly inspiring environment where everyone communicates at eye level. Both professors and colleagues have incredible expertise and enrich the courses and case study discussions tremendously. This, coupled with the variety of individual cultural backgrounds, creates an exciting learning environment. From the beginning, it creates a tremendous willingness to support and feel part of the ISM community.

It is also significant to have the opportunity to take classes and gain knowledge in key cities around the world. It enables access to various cultures and the possibility to recognize the differences in how business works across cultural lines. At the same time, the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom during the courses abroad gets immediately applied during field trips and exchanges with local brands, entrepreneurs, and managers. 

A goal of mine is to work in a global-thinking company in an international environment where I can apply my IMBA. I want to transform the knowledge and mindset gained from my studies into action to see the potential benefits, take advantage of opportunities, and reduce threats. 

My advice to new ISM students would be to dive deep into the ISM environment, take advantage of everything that ISM offers, build a network, and get inspired by the other students' various cultural and personal backgrounds. I strongly believe that being fully engaged and staying ambitious during your studies will expand your horizons.

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