Testimonials by program:

James Cody Fox, MBA Student from the USA

So far, I have had the opportunity to study with and learn from students and professors from six continents who come from a variety of different countries and cultures. Learning side-by-side with these individuals has already given me tools to successfully improve my global perspective and expand my network to different corners of the world."

Choosing a school at any level of study is never simple. There are many factors to consider, and it can be a complicated process to find the right school and program that will suit your individual objectives. Having aspirations to work internationally, it was important that I found an institution that offered diversity while simultaneously meeting my unique scholastic goals. The decision to attend ISM has been an excellent experience for me—its network of students and alumni deliver an exclusive global perspective to management, along with a group of professionals who have become useful for professional networking, as well as making close friends. So far, I have had the opportunity to study with and learn from students and professors from six continents who come from a variety of different countries and cultures. Learning side-by-side with these individuals has already given me tools to successfully improve my global perspective and expand my network to different corners of the world. Although choosing where to study is often challenging, ISM was sincerely the best choice for fulfilling both academic and professional ambitions.

With career goals to work within the aviation industry, it was imperative that I found a school that would teach me the fundamentals of international business, along with management strategies that would be effective while working with people from all over the world. Having completed a generous portion of my MBA, I can truly attest to ISM’s methodology, which blends business theory and concepts with reports and accounts from experienced professionals. What I have learned in this program has aligned seamlessly with my need to develop a greater understanding of my industry, as well as broaden my perception of others. I have grown as a student, a researcher, and a future manager. Through material, projects, and discourse with not only professors but also my colleagues, this institution has pushed me to think critically and open my mind to new ideas and trends within business management. I feel that after my studies are complete at ISM, I will have a thorough and well-rounded approach to business endeavors in the future.

With a background of study in Aviation Science and Administration, along with my experience researching for large governing bodies in aviation such as the FAA and the United Nation’s ICAO, ISM has only helped me improve my methods for writing and conducting empirical research. Previously, I spoke and presented at several aviation conferences and have worked towards the efforts of recruiting the next generation of aviation professionals. Additionally, I have worked with recruitment, outreach, management, and event planning for one of the largest aviation schools in the United States. More recently, I completed an internship working with an international ranking and rating agency in Paris where I helped plan a large event involving deans and directors from schools all over the world. I used my previous strengths, along with skills I have gained while doing my MBA to successfully plan, execute, communicate, and solve problems I faced working with an international agency. Currently, I am beginning my thesis where I will focus on aviation and international business management, meanwhile completing course work from previous and upcoming seminars based in New York and Paris. When I begin looking for work this fall, I will search for something that will blend the education I have gained during my MBA with my passion and knowledge of the international air transport industry.

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