The investment into an MBA program, whether it is time, money or energy, is significant and requires a high level of commitment. So, it is very important to choose the right program. The MBA market has become quite saturated with many schools offering MBA degrees. With the development of technology and people wanting to work full-time while studying, schools have adapted to the needs of students and broadened the selection of their programs.

Having the experience of studying in a European and American university, I had the opportunity to compare the educational systems and became fond of the way education was delivered in the U.S. – through applying knowledge to real-case-based scenarios. After moving back to Europe and looking for a master's business degree program, I knew I didn't want to go back to the memorization and exam style (I am not claiming that all European schools do this) and so I naturally looked for an MBA program.

Having an international background and enjoying working with people of various cultures, I was drawn to programs that offered a high level of international exposure, meaning not only by going on short study trips but also by having students and faculty from various countries being a part of the program. In addition, I needed a program that would be flexible enough so that I could study while working full-time; preferably a hybrid between online and face-to-face classes. The size of the class was important to me as well as I didn't want to be one in hundreds.

I did a lot of research, talked to schools and even visited some of them. To help steer my search in the right direction, it was absolutely essential to outline exactly what I was looking for. Obtaining enough information and creating a structured comparison of my top programs and evaluating their the pro's and con's lead me to choose the right program for me – the International Executive MBA (IEMBA) at the International School of Management.

From the moment I learned about the IEMBA program, I was intrigued. The classes at ISM consist of students and faculty from around the world. The school offers study trip programs to five different countries for up to two weeks, in addition to France – its primary location. The faculty consists of professors from various countries with top-level professional experience. I can take classes online, in Paris, or one or more of the other international locations. It is a rigorous program that provides enough flexibility and opportunities to fit my needs. Furthermore, I had great experience talking to the staff and professors during and after my application process. Although I haven't met anyone in person yet, I look forward to meeting the professors and my fellow classmates. I believe the IEMBA will give me great education and unforgettable experience.

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