Testimonials by program:

I enrolled in ISM's DBA program with the explicit intention of teaching full-time at the university level. I was both pleased and impressed with the academic rigor of the program. This experience included work with both New York and Paris based faculty.

Importantly, I found the faculty and staff universally supportive of my goal to join the academic community. Much credit must go to Dean Horn, who provided guidance along the way, and a helpful reference as I sought faculty positions. In addition, he was charged with reading my Dissertation, not a small feat by any means.

I recommend the ISM DBA program without reservation. It is a challenging program and appropriately so. In the end, the outcome clearly justified the effort.

More student stories

Deseye Umurhohwo | DBA Alumnus from Nigeria

One of the best decisions I made in 2015 was to enroll in the DBA program at ISM. I realized this after attending four courses in…

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Troy C. Troublefield | DBA Alumnus from the United States

The best part of being at ISM is the ability to converse and collaborate with people from all over the world. Though the education…

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Karl Campbell | DBA Candidate from the Netherlands

I found the Change Management seminar with Prof. Smits excellent. I recently attended a change management program at Erasmus…

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