George Iatridis, PhD

Dr. George Iatridis teaches Accounting & Finance Pronciples in the DBA and PhD programs at ISM. Iatridis is an associate professor of accounting and finance at the Department of Economics, University of Thessaly, Greece. Dr Iatridis is the financial accounting subject editor of the International Review of Financial Analysis (Elsevier).
He has worked as a lecturer in Accounting and Finance at the School of Accounting and Finance, University of Manchester, UK. He has also taught at the University of Athens and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST). Dr Iatridis studied Accounting and Finance at postgraduate level at the Universities of Manchester (PhD) and Southampton (MSc). Before graduate school, he studied Economics at the University of Athens, Greece. His current research interests mostly relate to the economic consequences of the implementation of international financial reporting standards, accounting policy choice, earnings quality and earnings conservatism.